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What is important when purchasing a battery-power chainsaw?

28 Jul Company News
– Battery-powered Chainsaw Power and Torque
All cordless chainsaws are using an electric motor and a battery, but that does not mean they all have the same power and torque. The electric motor specification and the battery voltage determine what the chainsaw can do. It is hard to see from the chainsaw specification. Of course, the battery voltage and the rpm of the chain can help with this, but there is not a specific number that you can use to compare the different models. Try to find an honest review from somebody that used the model.
– Battery-powered Chainsaw Battery Life
The battery life is also an essential factor. How important this is for you depends on the type of jobs you have. If you see numbers for a specific model, you should know that these are measured under ideal conditions. The actual number depends on the battery's age , temperature, and how much power you ask from your chainsaw. If you request more power from your saw, the battery will last shorter. And you should also know that you do not have the chainsaw on all the time, for only when you pull the trigger, the motor will use the battery.
– Battery-powered Chainsaw Charging Time
If you use your chainsaw for more extensive jobs, the charging time can be a major factor. When the battery runs out, do you need to wait for less than an hour, or does it take almost a day to recharge it? In many cases , you will have a spare battery that you may use when the first battery runs out. When you swap the battery, you will put the empty one in the charger. If the charger is fast enough, you can swap it again when the spare runs out. But if you use your chainsaw only sporadic and for shorter jobs, maybe a fast charging option is not needed. Generally, fast charging will be more costly and put more strain on the battery.
– Chainsaw Bar Length
If you purchase a chainsaw, please check the size of the chainsaw guide bar, for this will determine what size of logs, branches, and trees you can cut. The best bar length should be around 2 inches longer than the wood you plan to cut. Of course, you can cut smaller logs with a longer bar, but it is not the best way to purchase the chainsaw with the longest bar. Try to match the bar length with the jobs you plan to do. If you use your saw primarily for trimming, you can go for a bar length from 8 to 12 inches. If you plan to do a lot of tree cutting or chopping logs, go for a 16 to 18-inch bar.
– Chainsaw Chain Tensioning
To make your chainsaw operate correctly, the chains need to have the correct tension. If it is not tight enough, it can get detached from the bar, and if it is too tight, it will break. This is something that you always need to check and adjust if needed before using your saw. If you use a new chain, it will stretch quickly, and you can expect that it needs tensioning several times.
How the chains need to be tensioned depends on the brand and model. For some, you need a wrench and a screwdriver. Others may have a tool-less chains tensioning system, which means you do not need a tool to tension the chains. These systems are much easier to use when cutting and finding that the chains need tension.
– Chainsaw Oiling System
To keep your chainsaw operating properly, the chains need to be lubricated regularly, which will help to keep the motor from severe strain or even destroying the chains and bar. There are several methods of how the oil find its way to the chain. It can be done with a button that you have to push, or using an automatic system that lubricates the bar and chain with a constant oil flow, and some automatic systems use a fixed amount, and for others, you can control it.
We advise you to go for a chainsaw with an automatic oiling system to help you make sure the bar and chains are always adequately lubricated. And you only need to take care that there is enough oil in the tank and the system is not clogged .